Thank you for reaching out to xArtists.

Whether you're an artist, art enthusiast, or seeking opportunities, we're delighted to have you explore our platform.

If you're an artist looking to be part of our community, fill out the form below to share your artistic vision with us.

We're always looking for talents to enrich our community and explore new horizons together.

For passionate art enthusiasts, explore our online gallery and immerse yourself in the diversity and creativity of our artists.

If you're an investor or interested in collaboration, feel free to reach out to us using the form below.

We'd love to discuss partnership possibilities and investment opportunities in our innovative art project.

Thank you for your interest and support for xArtists. We look forward to welcoming you into our dynamic artistic community!

Best regards,

The xArtists Team

Welcome to xArtists !

In-Wallet Staking for All Collections:

Take advantage of our "In Wallet Staking" feature for all your NFT collections. Earn rewards in $TRO through regular snapshots of NFT holders. The more NFTs you hold, the more $TRO you accumulate.

Rewards for TRO Holders:

Snapshots of TRO holders provide rewards in $EGLD from a percentage of NFT sales and Metabonding rewards. By participating in our ecosystem, you benefit from multiple revenue streams and exclusive perks.

Liquidity Pools and Farming:

Diversify your investments with our liquidity pools on xExchange, OneDex, and Jexchange. Burnify also allows you to burn tokens to increase the value of your remaining assets. To maximize your returns, explore our farming pools on OneDex and Middle Staking.